Hi! I'm a student of Kiev Polytechnic Institute and also a juniour C# developer with good understanding of .NET Framework and CLR Have experience in bulding desktop apps using WPF and in creating small Windows Services.


  • May 2018

    • Pass the 1st stage of Binary Studio Adademy.
    • So happy and motivated for further working.
  • November 2016

    • Found out interest to programming, especially to C# language.
    • Dived in new hobby and started learing hard that one.
  • September 2015

    • Enter the NTUU "KPI".
    • Bye, childhood...
  • June 2015

    • Passed all external exams.
    • Can't believe how have I done it.
    • So, felt freedom and relaxed.
  • May 2015

    • Graduated basic school with honor in Sumy.
  • June 2014

    • Left home and went to Sumy, Ukraine.
  • April 2014

    • The war has been started in my region.
    • Bloody, unwanted and silly war which I still hate.
    • Has it ever been finished...?
  • 1st September 2004

    • Started going to school after kindergarten.
  • 13th October 1997

    • Born in Donetsk, Ukraine.


C#, .NET, WPF, WiX ToolSet, VS2015, Blend for VS2015, MSSQL SERVER, XML, XAML.


Table tennis, russian billiard, gym, Pink Floyd, cooking, programming, computer games, reading, hanging out.


Smoking, war, extremism, swearing, when doing something wrong.